Creating Feedburner For Blogspot

On Saturday, October 15, 2011 0 comments
Feedburner is a site that provides services in terms of syndication or feed. You can put a box that contains a place to fill in your email address and a button with the word Subscribe Free or Email Subscriber anywhere on the blog. Can the sidebar, at the end of each post or on the header and footer of the blog, stay adjusted to the blog layout templates. Setting the display also depends on the owner of the blog will be made as to what to draw. Functions of this subscription form is to facilitate the readers of the blog in order to subscribe or get the latest information from our blog posts emailed them. If there was a recent article posting, then those customers who already enter your email and confirm the email automatically get an email submission contains the latest blog posts articles. Interested in adding accessories subscribe to posts via email? Please follow the following ways.

How to create a subscription form Feedburner :
  1. Visit the Feedburner site and login with your gmail account.
  2. Next you'll be offered a box to enter your blog address to be burned.
  3. For bloggers please enter the feed address like this
  5. Change the name of the blog with your blog url.
  6. There is a small box labeled "I am a podcaster!" can be checked if your blog only contains the videos. If not, do not be unchecked. Then click the next button.
  7. After that you will be offered to fill in the form Feed Title and Feed Address please fill. Usually Feedburner directly adjust the title of the blog but you can replace it according to the sentence or word that fits best. Then click the next button.
  8. On the next page there was a notice like this Congrats! Your FeedBurner feed is now live. Want to dress it up a little? Well done and continue by clicking the next button.
  9. Then you will be given the option of automatically tracks the FeedBurner Stats. Please select the default menu or you can also add other menus are offered. Then click the next button.
  10. On the next page will show some of the menu options at the top and select the Publicize.
  11. On the menu you'll see the feature Publicize the services at your disposal such as Headline Animator, BuzzBoost, Email Subscriptions, PingShot, FeedCount, Chicklet Chooser and others. Well, to create a subscription form menu select Email Subscriptions.
  12. On page Email Subscriptions you click Activate button.
  13. Furthermore, the feedburner will provide the html code. That the above is that the results html form box to subscribe via e-mail form called Form Subscription Code and below is the html that the result be a link to subscribe via email called Subscription Link Code. I offer a form box to subscribe via email. On the drop down menu, please select use a widget in Blogger (if your blog on blogger). Then click the Go! Actually you can just copy the html code into notepad or other text editor and how to attach it to the bloggers is quite easy. If this is an option, please go to your blog and click the Layout which takes you to Page Elements and click Add Gadgets. On the next menu, choose add HTML / Javascript. Well, you paste the html code on it. And click save. Ok, now see the result on the blog.
  14. If you follow the way after clicking Go! earlier, will open a new window on the monitor that takes you to a blog that had been registered. There is written to add page elements. Please change the title if necessary and if not just let the title Subscribe via email. Then click the button to add widgets.
  15. Widget is added to the blog page elements. Choose a suitable place to drag the widget and place it on the blog that you feel is most suitable.
  16. If so, click View the blog to see the results. There will be an email subscriber form.
  17. Well, back to Feedburner. Until now, other than an email subscriber form there is also a feature that shows FeedCount sheer number of blog readers, Chicklet Chooser and Optimize as well as other features that make blogs appear prima. For these features, you can learn it. Somewhat tired indeed, but I am sure your blog will be more popular with Feedburner. If you are familiar with html codes, you can also edit the feedburner subscription form display and other features.
Finally, that's how to make Feedburner For Blogspot

Best regards

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